Addicted to beach? Me too. 3 reasons I just can't stop

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." - Jacques Cousteau This line well summarises my love for beaches. I remember the first time I was near the sea. It was Varkala Beach in Kerala. Pristine shore and mountainous terrains makes it one of the beautiful beaches in the country. I do not believe in love at first sight but the moment I climbed down from the cliff to the beach, I fell in love. My relationship with beaches has been my most committed relationship. I remember the kiss of the salty breeze on my face and sunlight shining bright making the water look like pearls afloat. In that instance, the magnificent sea hooked me to its beauty. It has been two years since I set my eyes on the sea. I crave to be near a sea now and then. Thank God, I stay in a city where I can afford to be near my love every other weekend or even on a weekday. So, I want to share three reasons that make me crave for beaches. It is ‘me’ ...