Everything Starts with a Big Push

Everything starts with a big push. Things that are not easy but are essential for a better tomorrow need that gigantic push. Most of us have this habit of procrastinating. The tomorrow that we keep referring to every day never comes. Our mind is often muddled with unnecessary thoughts and most of the time we are unable to break the shackles. Then the time comes when not taking a step in the right direction can be detrimental to own well-being. When one reaches rock bottom, there is only one route left: to rise up. It is only when you reach the bottom of the pool you can push yourself up. However, in the meantime , you keep trying. The same thing happened with me. One Sunday morning, something inside me kicked me out of the bed. I wanted to survive and at that point , nothing else mattered. The idea of changing two autos and trains were not strong enough to deter me from my goal. It was post demonetization and I just had 300 rupees worth of legal tender. I have...