Bit of sweet, bit of spice

When someone asks me about my stay in Kerala, I always say that it was not pleasant at all. Two seconds later, I would be praising Kerala’s natural beauty and appam( a dosa like thing). When I look back, I feel Kerala was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was my first time, I was staying outside home. Kottayam is not like Chennai, Delhi or Bangalore. It’s a town in southern Kerala where everyone is either addicted to studies or church. Kerala made me way tougher than I could have possibly imagined. The language barrier, strict rules , hostel regulations , having no one close to give a call, made me independent. Transition from a city to a town is difficult to adapt and we girls had a hard time coping up to that. I don’t understand whether it was Kerala or because it was small town, locals were more interested in knowing what was going on in our lives. We had to reach hostel even before sunset while our counter-parts in other IIMCs were havi...