The very word ‘Beauty’ stirs a lot of commotion within us .There exists strange and challenging opinions about this topic. My grandmother would give its definition as ‘Truth is beauty’. But is this it? Do we tend to see beauty in truth? John Keats in a poem which we all must have read said, ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever.’ The dictionary tells us that a thing of beauty is a thing which arouses our admiration, to which something in us responds with approval and delight as soon as our eyes behold it Do here comes the famous adage, ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’. So is beauty really lives in the eyes of the beholder or there is something more than it meets the eyes stating beauty as a relative term is less dangerous when compared to truth or virtue. Hence, something beautiful to my eyes may not be beautiful to others .I find the blooming of the tender leaves or a small bird trying to such the nectar out of the flowers as beautiful but my sister may...